Sunday, July 3, 2011

How it became official...sickness and all!

We decided to tell Clif's family on Valentine's day that we were expecting, and wait to tell my family since I was going down to Florida end of February for my sister's Christa and Becky's baby showers. I wanted to share the exciting news with them in person. But unfortunately, come week six I was sick 24 hours a day. I ended up being one of those 1/2 % women who get hyperemesis gravidarum. After loosing 22 pounds and getting to the point where I was too weak to get up off the bathroom floor, Clif insisted we go to the ER. So upon my situation turning to this we ended up calling my family for prayers and telling them over the phone. I was very disappointed about this but knew it was important to have them praying.

Then right before I left for Florida I had a doctor's apt to confirm a heartbeat etc, and at this appointment they discovered we were having twins! So I did get to surprise my family after all and tell them we were expecting more than one! Everyone's reactions were priceless! I was not sure how I felt about it all considering how shocked I was to even be pregnant. But the idea of twins was pretty amazing!

It was also very special that my sister, sister in law, and myself were all pregnant at the same time.

Turns out God is full of surprises, because 4 ultrasounds (by 3 different doctors) later I was sent to a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist of Multiples. The nurse quickly turned to me during the ultrasound and said "hunnie, who told you your having twins?" I explained to her that I had been seen by 2 OBs and the ER doctor and had 4 ultrasounds. The thought that went through my mind was that they mis-diagnosed me and there was only one baby. She then says "Look at the screen". And there on the screen was 3 little baby's bouncing all over the place! I about had a heart attack. I started bawling immediately and my sweet husband Clif kept saying "I'm sorry!" over and over. There was no words to describe the emotions that FLOODED me at that moment. It was a real reality check at how far I was from my family and mom. In fact my mom never got to go to even one of my appointments or see an ultra sound of my girls. And she is truly my best girlfriend and I needed her so much at that moment.

I think we were at the doctor office for almost 3 hours that day. It takes a long time to scan 3 babies and there was quite the list of concerns the doctor had to go over with us from various things like twin twin transfusion to loosing one or all of the baby's, and the high risk and complications with my health (especially due to my brain injury). Clif and I walked out of the office that day with a whole new perspective on life. God had chosen us to bring triplets into this world. What a gift, an honor,and what a task that was at hand!

It was then that we pressed into God and thanked him for these  "3" blessings on the way. And we sought him for guidance on the MANY decisions we had to make in a very short amount of time. Then we asked for His peace to lead us and uphold us, and of course he did just that!


  1. Life altering day huh? Some would consider it a burden, we consider it a blessing. That's why God picked us!!

  2. I've been waiting on this blog for a year now, missy! So glad to finally learn how it all happened! More, please!!
